A Citizen Advisory Council is a component of the District which provides a point of contact for the public. The CAC meets on the fourth Monday of odd number months at 7:00 pm. The meetings are held in the Board Room of the District Administration Office, 8495 Fontaine Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80925.
Current CAC members are;
Jim Mesite - Chairperson | 719 641-9328 | Peaceful Valley |
Zeff Kendall | 719 390-6627 | Widefield |
Jeffrey Linn | 719-392-5403 | Widefield |
Mary Bradfield | 719 330-6732 | Widefield |
Vacant | Security |
CAC members must reside in the service area boundary of the District. Please complete and return the CAC application.
Council meetings are held the fourth Monday of odd number months at 7:00 pm at 8495 Fontaine Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80925. For additional information, please visit the El Paso County website, http://www.elpasoco.com .
If you have any questions, please contact our office at 719-390-7111. Thank you.