The Widefield Water and Sanitation District (District) is located in El Paso County, Colorado. The District is a political subdivision of the State of Colorado and a body corporate with all the powers of a public or quasi-municipal entity.
Widefield Homes Water Company, organized as a Colorado corporation on June 14, 1979, provided water and wastewater services to the area until being converted to a District. The District was formed on May 17, 1996 to provide water and wastewater service to the public within the service area.
At the time of the District’s creation in May 1996, the water service area consisted of about 2,250 acres and served approximately 4,800 accounts. The wastewater service area consisted of about 2,400 acres and served approximately 5,400 accounts.
Water and wastewater service is provided to unincorporated areas of El Paso County (Widefield and Security communities) and the City of Fountain. The District provides service to accounts with both water and wastewater, water only, and wastewater only.
The District’s customer base is primarily residential, representing 98% of all accounts. The remaining 2% of accounts are commercial. There are no industrial accounts within the District. Occasionally, wholesale water is provided to a neighboring agency. A population of about 22,295 is served within the water boundaries. For wastewater, a population of about 23,758 is served. At the end of 2019, the District served about 8,575 water accounts and about 9,138 wastewater accounts.
Since formation of the District, the service areas of water and wastewater have each increased. The increased acreage resulted from the development areas of Cradlan Property (water and wastewater), Lorson Ranch (water and wastewater), Southpark Tech Center (wastewater), Mesa Ridge (water), and Rolling Hills (water and wastewater) being added to the District. The District anticipates 19,000 new homes will be built in these areas.
In total, the District's water service boundary covers 10,368 acres. The wastewater service boundary covers 9,152 acres.