State Required Backflow Testing
Testing Is Required Annually by October 1st.
Failure to comply with annual testing requirements will result in regulatory action and suspension of water service pending compliance.
To protect the community’s drinking water system from harmful contaminants, State law and District Rules and Regulations require customers with identified backflow preventer assemblies to have those backflow prevention assemblies tested. The results need to be submitted to the District annually. In consideration of our local Colorado weather, backflow prevention assemblies must be tested, and the final passing results submitted no later than October 1st of each calendar year.
Instructions for Backflow Testing: This applies to the customers and contractors.
1. Complete the back flow testing and email reports within 10 days of testing to:
a. Reports must be completed using the Widefield Water and Sanitation District’s approved form. Backflow Device Test Form
2. You must advise Widefield Water and Sanitation District of any failed test within 24 hours of testing at 719-392-5534, option 2 and at
Commonly used Certified Backflow Testers:
A-1 Backflow Testing @ 719-636-0073
Andrews Backflow Testing @ 720-220-4380
Fire Inspections Plus @ 719-392-1122
Hemphill Plumbing & Heating @ 719-471-4203